Hello sis,
I am so glad you found this page.


Reignite40 is a not-for-profit initiative- a collaborative space where like-minded purposeful women approaching their forties or in their forties, recharge spiritually, mentally, and physically in other to relaunch purposely for the coming decades.

If you are 40 already, you would agree with me that the 4th floor as we like to call it, hits different. Also, through the pages of scriptures, we see how the number forty (40) marks an era, and the beginning of a new season.

This community provides a robust opportunity to connect with like minds on similar journeys, access resourceful materials for women to re-kindle purpose, re-invent themselves, and confidently step into the next season with more intentionality and Godly drive.

At Reignite40, we would reengineer our mindsets, dream bigger with confident assurance that God can fund it, pray our dreams into existence, and hold ourselves accountable to take the necessary actions to birth those God given dreams.

We are also known as “the fortified tribe” …….. Now behold, this day I have made you a fortified City……. Jeremiah 1:18(NKJV)

Join the Fortified tribe to be notified about our upcoming events

What you can expect at Reignite40

  • Periodic Prayers
  • Reignite40 Conversations
  • Newsletters
  • Accountability Partnerships
  • Book Reviews
  • Annual Destination Retreats
  • Quarterly Meet ups (In Person or Virtual)
  • Access to Full Library of Live and Member Resources
  • Social Impact Projects-Grants and Scholarships to the underserved